Violation of the rules can result in fines and/or expulsion from the club.
Non-payment of assessed fines within 30 days can be grounds for expulsion.
Do not give the lock combination to any non-member.
Pick up your Brass/Steel/etc.
Outdoor Range Rules:
Always lock the gate behind you as you enter or leave the range. (Unless a range officer is present during public hours or during range events.)
Do not trespass on the private property surrounding the range lands for any reason.
Do not shoot at target posts or frames, signs, bottles or cans, bowling pins, trees, rocks, dumpsters, etc. Use only appropriate paper/cardboard targets or silhouettes attached to the proper target backing boards.
Use only Archery equipment on the Archery Ranges; the use of firearms on the Archery Ranges is strictly prohibited.
Use of the Outdoor Range is a privilege, do not abuse it. Use common sense, appropriate safety equipment and procedures, and always be considerate of the other people using the range.
When you are finished shooting, remove all targets and dispose of them properly.
Indoor Range Rules:
Eye and Ear protection must be worn at all times.
When entering the range, all firearms must be cased, unloaded or holstered.
Firearms are to be uncased and loaded only on the firing line, and must be pointed down range at all times.
Shoot only at appropriate targets.
Courtesy among shooters is expected; if there are more shooters than shooting positions, take turns so everyone can shoot.
Only genuine handgun ammunition, .45 caliber or less, .22 Rim Fire, air gun pellets, and arrows are allowed.
Due to the age and design of the range, only light hand loads, not to exceed 550 ft. lbs. of energy at 50 yards and no bullets over 250 grains. (If questioned by the Range Officer, it is the shooter’s responsibility to provide proof that their load does not exceed these criteria.)
Center fire rifles and ammo, shotguns and shot shells, black powder firearms or equivalent, armor piercing and steel jacketed bullets are prohibited.
Intentionally damaging any club property is prohibited.